All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractCommentProcessor is an abstract base class for comment processors.
The Comment interface provides methods for managing comments in a document.
CommentProcessor is an interface that defines the methods for processing comments in a .docx template.
Factory class to create the correct comment processor for a given comment.
Interface for processors that may be used to delete commented paragraphs or tables from the document, depending on a given condition.
Implementations of this interface are responsible for processing the repeat paragraph instruction.
Interface for processors which may be called to mark a document part to be copied once for each element in the passed-in list.
Interface for processors that can repeat a table row.
Interface for processors that replace a single word with an expression defined in a comment.
This interface is used to resolve a table in the template document.
The EvaluationContextConfigurer interface allows for custom configuration of a Spring Expression Language (SPEL) EvaluationContext.
Utility class for configuring the EvaluationContext used by officestamper.
The ExcelCollector class is used to collect objects of a specific type from an Excel file.
The ExcelParagraph class represents a paragraph in an Excel document.
The ExcelStamper class is an implementation of the OfficeStamper interface for stamping Excel templates.
ExceptionResolver is a functional interface used to resolve the behavior when an exception occurs during the processing of a placeholder.
The ExceptionResolvers class provides a set of static factory methods to create different types of ExceptionResolver implementations.
ExperimentalStampers is a class that provides static methods for obtaining instances of OfficeStamper implementations for stamping PowerPoint presentations and Excel templates with context and writing the result to an OutputStream.
This class describes an image which will be inserted into a document.
The ObjectResolver interface provides a contract for resolving objects to create a run with the resolved content.
This is an interface that defines the contract for stamping templates with context and writing the result to an OutputStream.
Interface representing the configuration for the Office Stamper functionality.
The OfficeStamperConfigurations class provides static methods to create different configurations for the OfficeStamper.
OfficeStamperException is a subclass of RuntimeException that represents an exception that can be thrown during the processing of an Office document using the OfficeStamper library.
Main class of the docx-stamper library.
The Paragraph interface represents a paragraph in a text document.
The ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer interface represents an object that can resolve expressions in a paragraph and replace them with values provided by an expression resolver.
The Placeholder interface represents a placeholder in a text document.
The PowerpointCollector class is used to collect instances of a specific class in a PowerPoint presentation.
A "Run" defines a region of text within a docx document with a common set of properties.
Represents a run within a PowerPoint slide.
The PowerpointStamper class implements the OfficeStamper interface to provide functionality for stamping Powerpoint presentations with context and writing the result to an OutputStream.
An interface for pre-processors that are called before the actual processing of a document takes place.
A helper class that provides pre-processing functionality for WordprocessingMLPackage documents.
This class provides static methods to create different types of ObjectResolver.
Represents a table with several columns, a header line, and several lines of content
This class implements the functionality of an OfficeStamper meant for dealing with streams of data.
This is an abstract class that provides a generic implementation for resolving objects to strings.