Module pro.verron.officestamper

module pro.verron.officestamper
This module serves as the main module for the "pro.verron.officestamper" application. It declares the module dependencies and exports the necessary packages.

The module requires the following modules: - spring.core - spring.expression - org.docx4j.core

It also requires the following modules statically: - - org.slf4j - jakarta.xml.bind

The module opens the following packages for reflection and runtime access: - pro.verron.officestamper.api - pro.verron.officestamper.preset

The module exports the following packages for use by other modules: - pro.verron.officestamper.api - pro.verron.officestamper.preset

Additionally, it opens the "pro.verron.officestamper.core" package to the "pro.verron.officestamper.test" module, and exports it for use by the same module.

  • Packages

    Exported To Modules
    Opened To Modules
    All Modules
    All Modules
    All Modules
    All Modules
    This package provides presets and recommended configurations for docxstamper library users;