Interface ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer

public interface ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer
The ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer interface represents an object that can resolve expressions in a paragraph and replace them with values provided by an expression resolver.
  • Method Details

    • resolveExpressionsForParagraph

      default void resolveExpressionsForParagraph(DocxPart docxPart, Paragraph paragraph, Object context)
      Finds expressions in the given paragraph and replaces them with the values provided by the expression resolver.

      Replace the previous resolveExpressionsForParagraph(Paragraph, Object, WordprocessingMLPackage)

      docxPart - the docxPart in which to replace all expressions
      paragraph - the paragraph in which to replace expressions
      context - the context root
    • resolveExpressionsForParagraph

      @Deprecated(since="2.3", forRemoval=true) void resolveExpressionsForParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, Object context, org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage document)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Finds expressions in the given paragraph and replaces them with the values provided by the expression resolver.
      paragraph - the paragraph in which to replace expressions
      context - the context root
      document - the document in which to replace all expressions