Class AbstractCommentProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AbstractCommentProcessor extends Object implements CommentProcessor
AbstractCommentProcessor is an abstract base class for comment processors. It implements the CommentProcessor interface. It provides common functionality and fields that subclasses can use.
  • Field Details

    • placeholderReplacer

      protected final ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer placeholderReplacer
      PlaceholderReplacer used to replace expressions in the comment text.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractCommentProcessor

      protected AbstractCommentProcessor(ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer placeholderReplacer)
      Creates an instance of AbstractCommentProcessor with the given ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer.
      placeholderReplacer - the ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer used to replace expressions in the comment text
  • Method Details

    • getCurrentCommentWrapper

      public Comment getCurrentCommentWrapper()

      Getter for the field currentCommentWrapper.

      a Comment object
    • setCurrentCommentWrapper

      public void setCurrentCommentWrapper(Comment currentComment)
      Passes the comment range wrapper that is currently being processed (i.e., the start and end of comment that in the .docx template). This method is always called BEFORE the custom methods of the custom comment processor interface are called.
      Specified by:
      setCurrentCommentWrapper in interface CommentProcessor
      currentComment - of the currently processed comment within the template.
    • getParagraph

      public org.docx4j.wml.P getParagraph()

      Getter for the field paragraph.

      a P object
    • setParagraph

      public void setParagraph(org.docx4j.wml.P paragraph)
      Passes the paragraph that is currently being processed (i.e., the paragraph that is commented in the .docx template). This method is always called BEFORE the custom methods of the custom comment processor interface are called.
      Specified by:
      setParagraph in interface CommentProcessor
      paragraph - coordinates of the currently processed paragraph within the template.
    • getCurrentRun

      public org.docx4j.wml.R getCurrentRun()

      Getter for the field currentRun.

      a R object
    • setCurrentRun

      public void setCurrentRun(@Nullable org.docx4j.wml.R run)
      Passes the run that is currently being processed (i.e., the run that is commented in the .docx template). This method is always called BEFORE the custom methods of the custom comment processor interface are called.
      Specified by:
      setCurrentRun in interface CommentProcessor
      run - coordinates of the currently processed run within the template.