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AClass(int, List<Contexts.Student>) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Creates an instance of a AClass record class.
actor() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Returns the value of the actor record component.
actor() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Returns the value of the actor record component.
actorName() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns the value of the actorName record component.
apply(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.DocxCollector
apply(R) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.RunCollector


canRead(EvaluationContext, Object, String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter
canWrite(EvaluationContext, Object, String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter
Character(String, String) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Creates an instance of a Character record class.
characterName() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns the value of the characterName record component.
CharacterRecord(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Creates an instance of a CharacterRecord record class.
characters() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Characters
Returns the value of the characters record component.
characters() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Returns the value of the characters record component.
characters() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.TableContext
Returns the value of the characters record component.
Characters(List<Contexts.Role>) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Characters
Creates an instance of a Characters record class.
characterTable(List<String>, List<List<String>>) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
commitChanges(DocxPart) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
Contexts - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Contexts class.
Contexts.AClass - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a class.
Contexts.Character - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a character in a movie or play.
Contexts.CharacterRecord - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a character record.
Contexts.Characters - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
The Characters class represents a list of characters played by actors.
Contexts.DateContext - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a Date context.
Contexts.EmptyContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents an empty context.
Contexts.ImageContext - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents the context for an image that will be inserted into a document.
Contexts.Name - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a name.
Contexts.NullishContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
This class represents a NullishContext object.
Contexts.Role - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
The Role class represents a role played by an actor.
Contexts.SchoolContext - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents the context of a school.
Contexts.Show - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Represents a Show, which is a collection of CharacterRecords.
Contexts.SpacyContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
A static inner class representing a Spacy context.
Contexts.SubContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
This class represents a SubContext object.
Contexts.TableContext - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Contexts.ZonedDateContext - Record Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
coupleContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
create(String) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
CustomCommentProcessor - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
This is an example of a custom CommentProcessor implementation.
CustomCommentProcessor(ParagraphPlaceholderReplacer) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
Constructor for CustomCommentProcessor.


date() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.DateContext
Returns the value of the date record component.
date() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ZonedDateContext
Returns the value of the date record component.
DateContext(Date) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.DateContext
Creates an instance of a DateContext record class.
DefaultTests - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
DefaultTests class.
DefaultTests() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.DefaultTests
DocxCollector<T> - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
DocxCollector class.
DocxCollector(Class<T>) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.DocxCollector
Constructor for DocxCollector.


elements() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.DocxCollector
empty() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
EmptyContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.EmptyContext
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Characters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.DateContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ImageContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Name
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.TableContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ZonedDateContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
equals(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext


findComment(WordprocessingMLPackage, BigInteger) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Stringifier
Finds a comment with the given ID in the specified WordprocessingMLPackage document.
Functions - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Functions class.
Functions() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Functions
Functions.UppercaseFunction - Interface in pro.verron.officestamper.test
The UppercaseFunction interface defines a method for converting a string to uppercase.


get() - Method in interface pro.verron.officestamper.test.ThrowingSupplier
getExpressionWithLeadingAndTrailingSpace() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SpacyContext
Retrieves the expression with leading and trailing spaces.
getExpressionWithLeadingSpace() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SpacyContext
Retrieves the expression with a leading space.
getExpressionWithoutSpaces() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SpacyContext
Retrieves the expression without spaces.
getExpressionWithTrailingSpace() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SpacyContext
Retrieves the expression with a trailing space.
getFullish() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Returns the fullish attribute of the NullishContext object.
getFullish() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Getter for the field fullish.
getFullish_value() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Returns the value of the fullish_value attribute in the NullishContext object.
getFullish_value() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Getter for the field fullish_value.
getInputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.IOStreams
getLi() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
Returns the list of strings in the SubContext object.
getLi() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Getter for the field li.
getNullish() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Returns the nullish attribute of the NullishContext object.
getNullish() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Getter for the field nullish.
getNullish_value() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Returns the value of the nullish_value attribute in the NullishContext object.
getNullish_value() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Getter for the field nullish_value.
getOutputStream() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.IOStreams
getResource(String) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestUtils
Retrieves an InputStream for the specified resource path.
getResource(Path) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestUtils
Retrieves an InputStream for the specified resource path.
getSpecificTargetClasses() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter
getValue() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
Returns the value of the SubContext object.
getValue() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Getter for the field value.
grades() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Returns the value of the grades record component.


hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Characters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.DateContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ImageContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Name
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.TableContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ZonedDateContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
hashCode() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext


ICustomCommentProcessor - Interface in pro.verron.officestamper.test
ICustomCommentProcessor interface.
ImageContext(Image) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ImageContext
Creates an instance of a ImageContext record class.
index() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns the value of the index record component.
indexSuffix() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns the value of the indexSuffix record component.
IOStreams - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
IOStreams class.
IOStreams() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.IOStreams


mapAndReflectiveContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
monalisa() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ImageContext
Returns the value of the monalisa record component.


name() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Name
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Returns the value of the name record component.
name(String) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
Name(String) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Name
Creates an instance of a Name record class.
names(String...) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
nowContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
nullishContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
NullishContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
NullishContext class.
NullishContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Represents a NullishContext object.
NullishContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Constructor for NullishContext.
NullishContext(String, Contexts.SubContext, String, Contexts.SubContext) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Represents a NullishContext object.
NullishContext(String, SubContext, String, SubContext) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Constructor for NullishContext.
number() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Returns the value of the number record component.


pro.verron.officestamper.test - module pro.verron.officestamper.test
pro.verron.officestamper.test - package pro.verron.officestamper.test


read(EvaluationContext, Object, String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter
reset() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
role(String, String) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
Role(String, String) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Creates an instance of a Role record class.
roles(Contexts.Role...) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
RunCollector - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
RunCollector class.
RunCollector() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.RunCollector
runs() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.RunCollector


schoolContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
SchoolContext(String, List<Contexts.Grade>) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Creates an instance of a SchoolContext record class.
schoolName() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Returns the value of the schoolName record component.
setCurrentCommentWrapper(Comment) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
setCurrentRun(R) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
setFullish(Contexts.SubContext) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Sets the fullish attribute of the NullishContext object.
setFullish(SubContext) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Setter for the field fullish.
setFullish_value(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Sets the value of the fullish_value attribute in the NullishContext object.
setFullish_value(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Setter for the field fullish_value.
setLi(List<String>) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
Sets the list of strings in the SubContext object.
setLi(List<String>) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Setter for the field li.
setNullish(Contexts.SubContext) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Sets the nullish attribute of the NullishContext object.
setNullish(SubContext) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Setter for the field nullish.
setNullish_value(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
Sets the value of the nullish_value attribute in the NullishContext object.
setNullish_value(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
Setter for the field nullish_value.
setParagraph(P) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
setValue(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
Sets the value of the object.
setValue(String) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Setter for the field value.
show() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
Show(String, List<Contexts.CharacterRecord>) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Creates an instance of a Show record class.
SimpleGetter - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
SimpleGetter(String, Object) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter
Constructor for SimpleGetter.
SpacyContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SpacyContext
stampAndLoad(InputStream, T) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestDocxStamper
Stamps the given template resolving the expressions within the template against the specified context.
stampAndLoadAndExtract(InputStream, T) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestDocxStamper
Stringifier - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Stringifier class.
Stringifier(Supplier<WordprocessingMLPackage>) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Stringifier
Constructor for Stringifier.
stringify(Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Stringifier
stringifyExcel(SpreadsheetMLPackage) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Stringifier
stringifyPowerpoint(PresentationMLPackage) - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Stringifier
students() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Returns the value of the students record component.
SubContext - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
SubContext class.
SubContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
This class represents a SubContext object.
SubContext() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Constructor for SubContext.
SubContext(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
Creates a SubContext object with the given value and list of strings.
SubContext(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
Constructor for SubContext.
subDocPartContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts


tableContext() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts
TableContext(StampTable) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.TableContext
Creates an instance of a TableContext record class.
TestDocxStamper<T> - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
Common methods to interact with docx documents.
TestDocxStamper(OfficeStamperConfiguration) - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestDocxStamper
Constructor for TestDocxStamper.
tests() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.DefaultTests
TestUtils - Class in pro.verron.officestamper.test
A utility class for testing.
TestUtils() - Constructor for class pro.verron.officestamper.test.TestUtils
throwingGet() - Method in interface pro.verron.officestamper.test.ThrowingSupplier
ThrowingSupplier<T> - Interface in pro.verron.officestamper.test
ThrowingSupplier interface.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.AClass
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Character
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.CharacterRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Characters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.DateContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ImageContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Name
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.NullishContext
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Role
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SchoolContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.Show
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.SubContext
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.TableContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ZonedDateContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.NullishContext
toString() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SubContext
toUppercase(String) - Method in interface pro.verron.officestamper.test.Functions.UppercaseFunction
Converts the given string to uppercase.


upperCase() - Static method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Functions
Returns an implementation of the UppercaseFunction interface.


visitParagraph() - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.CustomCommentProcessor
visitParagraph() - Method in interface pro.verron.officestamper.test.ICustomCommentProcessor


write(EvaluationContext, Object, String, Object) - Method in class pro.verron.officestamper.test.SimpleGetter


ZonedDateContext(ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for record class pro.verron.officestamper.test.Contexts.ZonedDateContext
Creates an instance of a ZonedDateContext record class.
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