package pro.verron.officestamper.core;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import org.docx4j.wml.*;
import pro.verron.officestamper.api.*;
import pro.verron.officestamper.utils.WmlFactory;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static;
import static;
import static pro.verron.officestamper.api.OfficeStamperException.throwing;
import static pro.verron.officestamper.utils.WmlUtils.getFirstParentWithClass;
* <p>A "Run" defines a region of text within a docx document with a common set of properties. Word processors are
* relatively free in splitting a paragraph of text into multiple runs, so there is no strict rule to say over how many
* runs a word or a string of words is spread.</p>
* <p>This class aggregates multiple runs so they can be treated as a single text, no matter how many runs the text
* spans.
* Create a {@link StandardParagraph} then, call methods to modify the aggregated text.
* Finally, call {@link #asString()} to get the modified text.
* @author Joseph Verron
* @author Tom Hombergs
* @version ${version}
* @since 1.0.8
public class StandardParagraph
implements Paragraph {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private final DocxPart source;
private final List<Object> contents;
private final P p;
private List<IndexedRun> runs;
private StandardParagraph(DocxPart source, List<Object> paragraphContent, P p) {
this.source = source;
this.contents = paragraphContent;
this.p = p;
this.runs = initializeRunList(contents);
* Calculates the runs of the paragraph.
* This method is called automatically by the constructor, but can also be
* called manually to recalculate the runs after a modification to the paragraph was done.
private static List<IndexedRun> initializeRunList(List<Object> objects) {
int currentLength = 0;
var runList = new ArrayList<IndexedRun>(objects.size());
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
Object object = objects.get(i);
if (object instanceof R run) {
int nextLength = currentLength + RunUtil.getLength(run);
runList.add(new IndexedRun(currentLength, nextLength, i, run));
currentLength = nextLength;
return runList;
* Constructs a new ParagraphWrapper for the given paragraph.
public static StandardParagraph from(DocxPart source, P paragraph) {
return new StandardParagraph(source, paragraph.getContent(), paragraph);
* Constructs a StandardParagraph from a given CTSdtContentRun paragraph.
* @param paragraph a CTSdtContentRun object representing the content run of the paragraph
* @return a new instance of StandardParagraph based on the provided CTSdtContentRun
public static StandardParagraph from(DocxPart source, CTSdtContentRun paragraph) {
var p = WmlFactory.newParagraph(paragraph.getContent());
return new StandardParagraph(source, paragraph.getContent(), p);
@Override public ProcessorContext processorContext(Placeholder placeholder) {
var comment = comment(placeholder);
var firstRun = (R) contents.getFirst();
return new ProcessorContext(this, firstRun, comment, placeholder);
@Override public void replace(List<P> toRemove, List<P> toAdd) {
int index = siblings().indexOf(p);
if (index < 0) throw new OfficeStamperException("Impossible");
siblings().addAll(index, toAdd);
private List<Object> siblings() {
return this.parent(ContentAccessor.class, 1)
.orElseThrow(throwing("This paragraph direct parent is not a classic parent object"))
private <T> Optional<T> parent(Class<T> aClass, int depth) {
return getFirstParentWithClass(p, aClass, depth);
@Override public void remove() {
* Retrieves the P object associated with this StandardParagraph.
* @return the P object of this paragraph.
* @deprecated Not recommended, as will be replaced by other API
@Deprecated(since = "2.6", forRemoval = true) @Override public P getP() {
return p;
* Replaces the given expression with the replacement object within
* the paragraph.
* The replacement object must be a valid DOCX4J Object.
* @param placeholder the expression to be replaced.
* @param replacement the object to replace the expression.
@Override public void replace(Placeholder placeholder, Object replacement) {
if (replacement instanceof R run) {
replaceWithRun(placeholder, run);
else if (replacement instanceof Br br) {
replaceWithBr(placeholder, br);
else {
throw new AssertionError("Replacement must be a R or Br, but was a " + replacement.getClass());
* Returns the aggregated text over all runs.
* @return the text of all runs.
@Override public String asString() {
@Override public void apply(Consumer<P> pConsumer) {
@Override public <T> Optional<T> parent(Class<T> aClass) {
return parent(aClass, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@Override public Optional<Comments.Comment> getComment() {
return CommentUtil.getCommentFor(contents, source.document());
private void replaceWithRun(Placeholder placeholder, R replacement) {
var text = asString();
String full = placeholder.expression();
int matchStartIndex = text.indexOf(full);
if (matchStartIndex == -1) {
// nothing to replace
int matchEndIndex = matchStartIndex + full.length();
List<IndexedRun> affectedRuns = getAffectedRuns(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex);
boolean singleRun = affectedRuns.size() == 1;
if (singleRun) {
IndexedRun run = affectedRuns.getFirst();
boolean expressionSpansCompleteRun = full.length() == run.length();
boolean expressionAtStartOfRun = matchStartIndex == run.startIndex();
boolean expressionAtEndOfRun = matchEndIndex == run.endIndex();
boolean expressionWithinRun = matchStartIndex > run.startIndex() && matchEndIndex <= run.endIndex();
if (expressionSpansCompleteRun) {
contents.set(run.indexInParent(), replacement);
else if (expressionAtStartOfRun) {
run.replace(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, "");
contents.add(run.indexInParent(), replacement);
else if (expressionAtEndOfRun) {
run.replace(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, "");
contents.add(run.indexInParent() + 1, replacement);
else if (expressionWithinRun) {
int startIndex = run.indexOf(full);
int endIndex = startIndex + full.length();
var newStartRun = RunUtil.create(run.substring(0, startIndex),
var newEndRun = RunUtil.create(run.substring(endIndex),
contents.addAll(run.indexInParent(), List.of(newStartRun, replacement, newEndRun));
else {
IndexedRun firstRun = affectedRuns.getFirst();
IndexedRun lastRun = affectedRuns.getLast();
removeExpression(firstRun, matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, lastRun, affectedRuns);
// add replacement run between first and last run
contents.add(firstRun.indexInParent() + 1, replacement);
this.runs = initializeRunList(contents);
private void replaceWithBr(Placeholder placeholder, Br br) {
for (IndexedRun indexedRun : runs) {
var runContentIterator =
while (runContentIterator.hasNext()) {
Object element =;
if (element instanceof JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement) element = jaxbElement.getValue();
if (element instanceof Text text) replaceWithBr(placeholder, br, text, runContentIterator);
private List<IndexedRun> getAffectedRuns(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
.filter(run -> run.isTouchedByRange(startIndex, endIndex))
private void removeExpression(
IndexedRun firstRun,
int matchStartIndex,
int matchEndIndex,
IndexedRun lastRun,
List<IndexedRun> affectedRuns
) {
// remove the expression from the first run
firstRun.replace(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, "");
// remove all runs between first and last
for (IndexedRun run : affectedRuns) {
if (!Objects.equals(run, firstRun) && !Objects.equals(run, lastRun)) {
// remove the expression from the last run
lastRun.replace(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, "");
private static void replaceWithBr(
Placeholder placeholder, Br br, Text text, ListIterator<Object> runContentIterator
) {
var value = text.getValue();
var runLinebreakIterator = stream(value.split(placeholder.expression())).iterator();
while (runLinebreakIterator.hasNext()) {
var subText = WmlFactory.newText(;
if (runLinebreakIterator.hasNext()) runContentIterator.add(br);
private Comment comment(Placeholder placeholder) {
var id = new BigInteger(16, RANDOM);
return StandardComment.create(source.document(), p, placeholder, id);
* {@inheritDoc}
@Override public String toString() {
return asString();