package pro.verron.officestamper.core;

import pro.verron.officestamper.api.OfficeStamperException;
import pro.verron.officestamper.api.Paragraph;
import pro.verron.officestamper.api.Placeholder;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * The Expressions class provides utility methods for finding variables and processors in a given text.
 * It contains multiple constant variables for different types of expressions, such as VAR_MATCHER for variable
 * expressions and PROC_MATCHER for processor expressions.
 * The findVariables() method uses VAR_FINDER to find variable expressions in a given text and returns a list of found
 * expressions.
 * The findProcessors() method uses PROC_FINDER to find processor expressions in a given text and returns a list of
 * found expressions.
 * The raw() method creates a new Expression object using the RAW_MATCHER and a specified text.
public class Placeholders {
     * A regular expression pattern matching processor expressions.
     * The pattern search for expressions starting with '#{' and ending with
     * '}'.
    private static final Pattern PROC_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("#\\{(.*?)}", Pattern.DOTALL);
     * A Matcher matching processor expressions.
     * The matcher checks for expressions starting with '#{' and ending with
     * '}'.
    private static final Matcher PROC_MATCHER = new Matcher("#{", "}");
     * An ExpressionFinder to find processor expressions.
     * It is initialized with a specified pattern and matcher.
    private static final PlaceholderFinder PROC_FINDER =
            new PlaceholderFinder(PROC_PATTERN, PROC_MATCHER);

     * A regular expression pattern matching processor expressions.
     * The pattern search for expressions starting with '${' and ending with
     * '}'.
    private static final Pattern VAR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(.*?)}", Pattern.DOTALL);
     * A Matcher matching processor expressions.
     * The matcher checks for expressions starting with '${' and ending with
     * '}'.
    private static final Matcher VAR_MATCHER = new Matcher("${", "}");
     * An ExpressionFinder to find variable expressions.
     * It is initialized with a specified pattern and matcher.
    private static final PlaceholderFinder VAR_FINDER =
            new PlaceholderFinder(VAR_PATTERN, VAR_MATCHER);
     * A Matcher matching raw expressions.
     * It is typically used to wrap raw expressions that do not have a
     * specific prefix or suffix.
    private static final Matcher RAW_MATCHER = new Matcher("", "");

    private Placeholders() {
        throw new OfficeStamperException("Utility classes should not be instantiated!");

     * Finds variable expressions in a given paragraph.
     * @param paragraph the paragraph in which to search for variable expressions
     * @return a list of found variable expressions as {@link Placeholder} objects
    public static List<Placeholder> findVariables(Paragraph paragraph) {
        return findVariables(paragraph.asString());

     * Finds variable expressions in a given text.
     * @param text the text to search for variable expressions
     * @return a list of found variable expressions as {@link StandardPlaceholder} objects
    public static List<Placeholder> findVariables(String text) {
        return VAR_FINDER.find(text);

     * Finds processors expressions in a given text.
     * @param text the text to search for processor expressions
     * @return a list of found processor expressions as {@link StandardPlaceholder}
     * objects
    public static List<Placeholder> findProcessors(String text) {
        return PROC_FINDER.find(text);

     * Creates a new raw placeholder with the given text.
     * @param text the text to be used as the content of the placeholder
     * @return a new raw placeholder
    public static Placeholder raw(String text) {
        return new StandardPlaceholder(RAW_MATCHER, text);