package pro.verron.officestamper.core;

import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import org.docx4j.TraversalUtil;
import org.docx4j.XmlUtils;
import org.docx4j.finders.ClassFinder;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.wml.*;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.ppp.Child;
import pro.verron.officestamper.api.DocxPart;
import pro.verron.officestamper.api.OfficeStamperException;

import java.util.*;

 * Utility class to retrieve elements from a document.
 * @author Joseph Verron
 * @author DallanMC
 * @version ${version}
 * @since 1.4.7
public class DocumentUtil {

    private DocumentUtil() {
        throw new OfficeStamperException("Utility classes shouldn't be instantiated");

    public static <T> Stream<T> streamObjectElements(
            DocxPart source,
            Class<T> elementClass
    ) {
        ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(elementClass);
        TraversalUtil.visit(source.part(), finder);

     * Retrieve the first element from an object.
     * @param subDocument the object to get the first element from
     * @return the first element
    public static Object lastElement(WordprocessingMLPackage subDocument) {
        var mainDocumentPart = subDocument.getMainDocumentPart();
        var mainDocumentPartContent = mainDocumentPart.getContent();
        return mainDocumentPartContent.get(mainDocumentPartContent.size() - 1);

     * Retrieve the last element from an object.
     * @param subDocument the object to get the last element from
     * @return the last element
    public static List<Object> allElements(WordprocessingMLPackage subDocument) {
        return subDocument.getMainDocumentPart()

     * Recursively walk through a source to find embedded images and import them in the target document.
     * @param source source document containing image files.
     * @param target target document to add image files to.
     * @return a {@link Map} object
    public static Map<R, R> walkObjectsAndImportImages(
            WordprocessingMLPackage source,
            WordprocessingMLPackage target
    ) {
        return walkObjectsAndImportImages(source.getMainDocumentPart(),

     * Recursively walk through source accessor to find embedded images and import the target document.
     * @param container source container to walk.
     * @param source    source document containing image files.
     * @param target    target document to add image files to.
     * @return a {@link Map} object
    public static Map<R, R> walkObjectsAndImportImages(
            ContentAccessor container,
            WordprocessingMLPackage source,
            WordprocessingMLPackage target
    ) {
        Map<R, R> replacements = new HashMap<>();
        for (Object obj : container.getContent()) {
            Queue<Object> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

            while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                Object currentObj = queue.remove();

                if (currentObj instanceof R currentR && isImageRun(currentR)) {
                    var docxImageExtractor = new DocxImageExtractor(source);
                    var imageData = docxImageExtractor.getRunDrawingData(currentR);
                    var maxWidth = docxImageExtractor.getRunDrawingMaxWidth(currentR);
                    var imagePart = tryCreateImagePart(target, imageData);
                    var runWithImage = RunUtil.createRunWithImage(maxWidth, imagePart);
                    replacements.put(currentR, runWithImage);
                else if (currentObj instanceof ContentAccessor contentAccessor)
        return replacements;

     * Check if a run contains an embedded image.
     * @param run the run to analyze
     * @return true if the run contains an image, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isImageRun(R run) {
        return run.getContent()

    private static BinaryPartAbstractImage tryCreateImagePart(
            WordprocessingMLPackage destDocument,
            byte[] imageData
    ) {
        try {
            return BinaryPartAbstractImage.createImagePart(destDocument, imageData);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OfficeStamperException(e);

     * Finds the smallest common parent between two objects.
     * @param o1 the first object
     * @param o2 the second object
     * @return the smallest common parent of the two objects
     * @throws OfficeStamperException if there is an error finding the common parent
    public static ContentAccessor findSmallestCommonParent(Object o1, Object o2) {
        if (depthElementSearch(o1, o2) && o2 instanceof ContentAccessor contentAccessor)
            return findInsertableParent(contentAccessor);
        else if (o2 instanceof Child child)
            return findSmallestCommonParent(o1, child.getParent());
            throw new OfficeStamperException();

     * Recursively searches for an element in a content tree.
     * @param searchTarget the element to search for
     * @param content      the content tree to search in
     * @return true if the element is found, false otherwise
    public static boolean depthElementSearch(Object searchTarget, Object content) {
        content = XmlUtils.unwrap(content);
        if (searchTarget.equals(content)) {
            return true;
        else if (content instanceof ContentAccessor contentAccessor) {
            for (Object object : contentAccessor.getContent()) {
                Object unwrappedObject = XmlUtils.unwrap(object);
                if (searchTarget.equals(unwrappedObject)
                    || depthElementSearch(searchTarget, unwrappedObject)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private static ContentAccessor findInsertableParent(Object searchFrom) {
        if (searchFrom instanceof Tc tc)
            return tc;
        else if (searchFrom instanceof Body body)
            return body;
        else if (searchFrom instanceof Child child)
            return findInsertableParent(child.getParent());
            throw new OfficeStamperException();